Retain the purchasing power of all employees in the MBO. This is one of the agreements that the AOb wants to include in the new collective labor agreement. Career prospects are also an important spearhead: the LC position should be possible without leaving the classroom.
“It will be a difficult negotiation,” admits AOb director Henrique de Moel, who is sitting at the negotiating table. “Certainly combined with high inflation and an expected wage range that will be very low. We must ensure that the profession remains attractive. There is a huge shortage of MBO faculty, we must do everything we can to prevent people from going to work elsewhere because of money.” .
“We must ensure that the profession remains attractive.”
This is why AOb, along with other syndicates, is committed to retaining purchasing power. Now, especially employees at lower levels are the victims of high inflation. This is why AOb wants to offset these groups as much as possible.
Keep growing
Career prospects are an important topic in this round of negotiations. The AOb believes that three out of five teachers should be on the LC pay scale or higher by 2025. Money is already available for this. “It’s important to continue to grow in the classroom. This means that teachers who perform well should reach the LC scale, without having to perform all kinds of tasks outside of the classroom,” says de Moyle. The AOb wants national agreements in the collective labor agreement to prevent competition inside and outside education.
Three out of every five teachers must be at an LC pay grade or higher by 2025
For OBP staff who are assigned more responsibilities and therefore require more knowledge, a recent description and assessment of their job should be reviewed. “They are just as indispensable as teachers and they must also be able to grow.”
Negotiators also want to schedule support for teaching teams. They should be given the opportunity to calculate their annual task to see which tasks need to be canceled in order to reduce their workload. “If the education teams cannot reach agreement with the school administration on the formation or abolition of assignments, they must be able to account for this.” Furthermore, employees should be given a greater say in how the personal budget is used and may be saved over a number of years. This is about 1,200 cabin hours on the annual mission.
Education teams must be able to calculate their annual mission
De Moel: “Another point of lightening the workload is the right to inaccessibility. Free time is really free time and then you don’t have to answer emails or whatsapp requests. We want a collective labor agreement article on this topic.” Unions also want to assess agreement on workload plans. Do these plans work well, is the question and do they help reduce or conceive of the workload? Negotiators check the hours needed for coordination, mail, team, and applications and see if they can be made available on the annual assignment.
Lung covid
Furthermore, as in other sectors, AOb wants compensation for colleagues who are ill with COVID-19. MBO employers are required to have group disability insurance with full coverage. In this collective labor agreement, the unions also want to improve other agreements, for example, travel costs should rise from 19 cents per kilometer to 21 cents and parental leave should also apply to other forms of non-traditional family only.
The current collective agreement expires on June 1, 2023. The negotiators want to agree on a collective agreement that applies for one year. Director AOb De Moel: “The MBO is important, and this is widely recognized by all. The new collective labor agreements are in line with this, ensuring that enough colleagues turn up to work at the MBO and retain existing colleagues.”
Offer the commitment in full in the union letter. It also contains union requirements specifically for beginners and additional requirements for parental leave. The employers’ organization MBO-raad also announced today the commitment.
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