Ukraine: 50 dead, including 5 children, in an attack on Kramatorsk train station | Abroad

Ukraine: 50 dead, including 5 children, in an attack on Kramatorsk train station |  Abroad

Beware: the images in this story can be considered horrific.

Thousands of people were waiting at the train station to be evacuated to safer areas of Ukraine. Kramatorsk is located in the Donetsk region, where fierce fighting is taking place. Part of the region is in the hands of pro-Russian separatists.

on purpose

Kirilenko accuses the Russians of deliberately killing civilians. “They wanted to create panic and fear, and they wanted to kill as many civilians as possible,” he said. The governor posted a photo online showing bodies lying next to bags and other luggage and an emergency service trying to put out a fire. The images have not been independently verified.

Kramatorsk is one of the places in the far east of Ukraine that can still be reached by train. So the city is an important place for evacuating people in eastern Ukraine.

On Thursday, three trains carrying evacuees were stranded in the same area after an air strike on a railway line.

The text continues below the tweet and images

side of the missile says

The side of the rocket says “for the kids.”

At least 35 people died.

At least 35 people died.

Cars around the station were destroyed.

Cars around the station were destroyed.

‘Borderless Evil’

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called Russia “an evil with no limits”, in response to the missile attack. According to Ukraine, dozens of civilians were killed as a result.

They are cynically destroying the civilian population. This evil has no limits. “If it is not punished, it will never stop,” Zelensky wrote of Russia in a statement on social media.

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The Russian Foreign Ministry denied the state’s missile attack on the train station. The ministry also states that the type of missile that was to be used in the attack is used only by the Ukrainian army. Eduard Basurin, one of the pro-Russian separatist leaders in Donetsk, blames Ukraine for the missile attack and talks about a “provocation” from the Ukrainian side.

The bodies are covered.

The bodies are covered.

Survivors wait on a bench outside the station.

Survivors wait on a bench outside the station.

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