Ubisoft shares half-hour of Skull and Bones gameplay footage – Games – News

However, the gap for pirate games has already been filled.

Not too bad I guess, Sea of ​​Thieves looks and feels imho (from what I’ve seen) more like a Fortnite-like experience, both in art style and revenue model/exploitation. Skull and Bones has a somewhat more realistic art style, what we’ve seen of it we’ll have to wait and see for the revenue model, but as far as ‘exploitation’ goes, this looks like many Ubisoft open-world games…

How many people exclaimed that there is no place for another BR game besides Fortnite, CoD BR will be doomed, we still have a lot of BR games, Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 is one of them.

There can be enough people who are not interested in a fantasy pirate game with a humorous style, but are interested in a somewhat more historical and realistic game.

For me, it already has some points against it because it’s Ubisoft, but what I’ve seen from it is that it intrigues me and we just have to wait for the reviews and post-release influx. The movies on Steam for Sea of ​​Thieves were more commercials that made me less interested in the game, until I saw a Pirates of the Caribbean expansion movie, enough to make me check out more of the gameplay on YT/Twitch. .

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