U.S. law failing to legalize abortion in parliament | Abroad

U.S. law failing to legalize abortion in parliament |  Abroad

As expected, the opposition in the Republican Party was very strong. In addition to the 50 Republican senators, the most conservative Democratic senator also voted against.

With the bill, Democrats wanted to establish the right to abortion. They fear a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the coming weeks.

A draft judgment, leaked by the majority of Conservative Chief Justices, involves the historic Roe v. 50 years ago, which included the right to abortion. Wade revealed that they want to bring the verdict to an end. If this is the final decision of the court, it is up to the US government to decide whether abortion is allowed. Republican states are already in the process of blocking or drastically reducing entitlement.

Is legal

Most Americans believe that abortion should be legal in all or most circumstances. Democrats hope the lost vote in the Senate will mobilize supporters of abortion rights ahead of parliamentary elections in November.

In response, President Biden denounced the Republican siege as “an unprecedented attack on the constitutional rights of women, against the will of the majority of the American people.” He hopes there will be a majority in the Senate after the election so the bill can still be passed.

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