Trump is ‘very likely’ to be the presidential candidate: ‘To make the United States safe’ | Abroad

Trump is 'very likely' to be the presidential candidate: 'To make the United States safe' |  Abroad

Former US President Donald Trump has clearly hinted that he will run for the White House again in the 2024 election. “In order to make our country successful, safe and great, I will probably do it again,” he said Thursday evening at a GOP campaign event in Sioux City, Iowa. other”.

“Get ready, that’s all I’m saying,” the 76-year-old added. Trump appeared as a speaker in support of Republican candidates for the midterms, the congressional elections, on November 8.

During his speech, the former president reiterated the long-disproved claim that he won the 2020 presidential election. So far, the Republican has refused to admit defeat to incumbent Joe Biden. Trump has been repeatedly flirting with a new presidential nomination since he was voted in.


In next Tuesday’s midterm elections, all 435 House seats and nearly a third of the Senate’s seats will be taken up. In addition, there are governor elections in several states.

Polls show that Republicans have a good chance of winning a majority in the House of Representatives. The majority in the Senate is expected to compete for the neck and neck.

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