Dutch company Square Glade Games sought €30,000 on Kickstarter for its game Outbound, but that goal was already met in two hours. In the meantime, the money continues to flow.
At the time of writing this article says: Counter Priced at €82,000, with 28 days left. In Outbound, you travel in a transport truck. This truck can be expanded to your heart’s content, inside and out.
This construction is done with a lot of imagination. You can not only install some solar panels and a kitchen, but you can put an entire house or greenhouse on the roof. And with the push of a button, everything is neatly reassembled so you can continue driving.
The goals extend
The extra money will add new features to the game. By breaking the €80,000 limit, it will soon be possible to put camping equipment outside the bus.
If 130,000 euros are raised, the manufacturers will also add the possibility of fishing. The caught fish can then be placed in aquariums.
For computers and gaming consoles
Once the game is ready, it will be playable on PC and consoles, alone or with up to four players at once. The game usually costs €25, but if you pay more, you can start with early beta versions.
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