They accused Ruben Pichara of defrauding the government of $ 488 million

They accused Ruben Pichara of defrauding the government of $ 488 million

The Dominican government has filed a formal lawsuit against Georges Ruben Jimenez Pichara, the former vice president of the Dominican State Electricity Corporation (CDEE), alleging that he, along with a number of associates, embezzled $ 488,000,000.00.

According to the lawsuit filed against the group, which included Maxi Montila, Luis Ernesto de Leon Nice, Julio Caesar Correa, Ruben Montes Tomanzuez, Rodamas del Carmen Maurice and other associates, the accused were both business tycoons. And Edinorde, as well as multidisciplinary organizations that provided funding.

These international organizations include the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDP), the European Investment Bank (EIP), the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IPRT) and the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID). Transformators Solomon Dominicana, SA, owned by Maxi Gerardo Montila Sierra, misappropriated about $ 57,058,069.76 in support of the company.

In total, as the executive vice president of CDEE, the funds received from the international fund passed by Pichara, amounting to US $ 488,000,000.00, which he and his associates claim to have been fraudulent, fraudulent and stolen.

“In this sense, the Criminal Union was able to benefit from an extortion and / or bribery mechanism by extorting $ 57,058,069.76 millionaire contracts,” the document points out.

This indicates that Pichara and other defendants and their companies, who identified themselves with the code “LPI-BID-01-2015”, were able to benefit from fraud, extortion, bribery, fraud and overvaluation of prices. Three power supply companies, for about $ 57,058,069.76.

In this sense, the criminal association was able to benefit from the millionaire contracts for US $ 57,058,069.76, which we describe below through an extortion and / or bribery mechanism.

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Between August 16, 2012 and August 16, 2020, Pichara was built for the benefit of CDEE, with a total of $ 488,000,000.00 with the following funding agreements with the above international organizations:

The loan agreement, dated June 12, 2014, was represented by the Minister of Finance, Siman Lizardo Mesquita, represented by the Minister of Finance, Flora Montalegre Painter Edenorde, as well as the multidisciplinary organizations that provided funding for the power supply rehabilitation and loss reduction program signed by the Dominican State. CDEE and its direct manager Georges Ruben Jimenez Pichara.

1st dated loan agreement. In August 2014, US $ 78,000,000.00 was represented by Minister of Finance Simon Lizardo Mesquita, and Suleiman Jr., for a project to modernize the distribution network and minimize electricity losses, signed by the Dominican Republic. Al-Herbish, Director General of the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID). CDEE and its direct manager Georges Ruben Jimenez Pichara.

– The loan agreement, dated December 29, 2015, was represented by Finance Minister Simon Lizardo Mesquito as the Minister for Finance, and the International Bank for the Reconstruction and Development of Saturn (IPRT) Abrew Roja, for the project to modernize the supply chain and reduce losses signed by the Dominican State. CDEE and its direct manager Georges Ruben Jimenez Pichara (hereinafter “Silpi-BM-01-2017”).

Pichara served as vice president of CDEE for eight years (2012-2020), during which time he was accused of leading a fraudulent network operating in different power supply companies, relating to the awards of procurement and contracting processes aimed at benefiting them, particularly Maxi Mandilla, Alexander Montila and Companies affiliated with Juan Alexis Medina Sanchez.

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