‘There are a lot of victims of The Voice of Holland’

‘There are a lot of victims of The Voice of Holland’

Attorney Sebas Dijkstra confirmed to new That many conversations actually took place in the background, but the people eventually decided not to go to the police with their story.

The three candidates the news site spoke to were hopeful that more charges would be brought and feared their story would not be convincing enough if she goes to trial. The experiences of other victims can reinforce their story and show that there is a pattern. They know from personal stories that there are more victims. But many women are afraid to step out of the unknown, or have already been given a place.

There are already five complaints against band leader Jeroen Rietbergen, coach Ali B, and director Martin N. Advertisement against Marco Borsato is separate from the investigation. Also three women with them new He went talk to the police. according to new The fear of flying if one was too far from the step led to an attitude of few words. Because of this, women find it difficult to express themselves.

For example, a kiss on the mouth was kissed by a woman because she thought she “belongs”. Another says that when she made a comment that the focus was too much on her appearance, he laughed. When another candidate spoke out against Jeroen Rietbergen after a sexually tainted comment, she was asked if she knew who he was.

Of the three women, two said they were never referred to a confidential counselor, and were even skeptical of a counselor at all. The third candidate says that there was one when she entered, but she did not dare to approach him.

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In a program Angry Violations that occurred in January Holland sound Show. Many women have shared their stories of sexual offending behavior behind the scenes. In total, dozens of women told their story about band leader Jeroen Rietbergen, coaches Ali B and Marco Borsato and director. Jeron put his work. He admitted that he had “sexual relations” with women participating in the programme.

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