The Public Prosecution Service is investigating Theis Roemer

The Public Prosecution Service is investigating Theis Roemer

In May of this year, a 20-year-old woman filed a complaint against the 44-year-old actor for his sexual offending behaviour. The woman accuses the actor of sexually offending behavior that would have occurred when she was 14 years old. Theis said earlier this year that he did not feel compelled to respond to this. “The story is about a 14-year-old girl at the time with whom I could have come into contact across the border, however, that story goes too far for me as a father to a teenage daughter and a sane person.”

The woman in question later said that she regretted publishing the allegations on Twitter, but did not retract them. It is not known if she is one of the people who have lodged a complaint now. Reporting sources to RTL Boulevard and telegraph There are at least three reports of sexual crimes by young victims. It will be about young women accusing the actor, among other things sextorsionor online sexual assault.

The Public Prosecution Office indicates that it does not want to say anything about the course of the ongoing investigations, and cannot confirm whether Thijs is a suspect and whether the previous accusation was a separate case. It appears that the judiciary has not yet decided whether Thiege will actually be prosecuted.

Thijs is said to have been questioned by the manners squad. According to sources, one of the alleged victims is in such poor condition that she has been admitted to an institution.

On Wednesday, Thijs management announced that the actor is clearing his schedule for the time being. He’s been working a lot last year and needs a rest. The alleged victim responds to this via Instagram as follows: “I worked a lot? Sorry well, Theggs.

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RTL Boulevard has requested a response from Thijs Römer, but has not yet received it. His manager also declined to comment.

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