The number of corona cases has decreased slightly, and I am not sure whether the peak of the autumn wave has been reached or not currently

The number of corona cases has decreased slightly, and I am not sure whether the peak of the autumn wave has been reached or not currently

The number of positive corona tests fell very slightly, for the first time in seven weeks. Last week, RIVM recorded 22,688 confirmed infections, down 4 percent from the previous week. The number of hospital admissions also decreased.

But it is very difficult to determine whether the fall wave has reached its peak, according to RIVM.

“It can go in all directions, and it’s hard to predict. We can’t say if the number of positive tests is going down now, increasing more or staying on this plateau for a while,” a spokesperson said.

According to the RIVM, the community has “some protection because people are getting a frequent hit and because of the immunity that has built up with the summer wave. But the virus continues to spread a lot. If the levels of increase go down, it doesn’t mean the corona is gone.”

The actual number of deaths from Corona is unknown

The coronavirus complaints of 587 people last week were so bad that they had to be hospitalized as a result. This is 17 percent lower than the previous week when there were 710 coronavirus admissions. In addition, fewer people have been tested for GGD.

RIVM has received more reports of deaths. Last week, the institute was informed that 44 people had died as a result of their infection, compared to 39 in the previous week and 20 in the previous week. It is not mandatory to report the death of a Corona patient as a result of the consequences.

Since the number of unreported deaths is not known, it is not clear how high the actual number of deaths is, and therefore there is no question whether there is actually an increase.

The reproduction number has decreased to less than 1

The government has been using a “thermometer” to monitor the Corona epidemic since last month, as a follow-up to risk levels. It climbed for the first time last week and remained in second place, the second lowest. There is little pressure on society as a whole, but vulnerable groups are at additional risk. The thermometer has four positions.

The coronavirus reproduction number has fallen below 1 for the first time since early September. It now stands at 0.97. This means that an average of 100 people infected with corona transmit the virus to 97 others. It infected 94 people and then infected about 91. Slowly but surely, the number of positive tests has declined, as evidenced by the weekly numbers.

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