The heiress of a hunter’s friend leaves millions for Fleetwood House

The heiress of a hunter's friend leaves millions for Fleetwood House

The English seaside town of Fleetwood received a fortune from a businesswoman. Doreen Lofthaus, who is responsible for the fisherman’s friend’s worldwide fame, left 41.4 million pounds (48.9 million euros) to her hometown. The intent is to use the money to develop the village. Lofthouse died in March at the age of 91.


According to the latest census (2011), Fleetwood is home to about 26,000 people. The funds are managed by the Lofthouse Foundation, which the family set up in 1994 for the benefit of the village. The municipality described the donation as “unbelievable” and said it was “overwhelmed by generosity”. The money is used, among other things, to attract more tourists to the port city.


Doreen Lufthouse married Tony Lufthouse in 1963, grandson of the founder of Fisherman’s Friend, with teardrop candy in the bag with a fishing boat on it. It is known that former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher took her when she had a sore throat from her speeches and French President Emmanuel Macron swore to her.


Under Lofthouse’s leadership, the company began selling cough drops through other stores. Until then, this was only happening straight from the factory. The brand slowly but surely spread all over the world and the company developed into a major concern. The candy is now sold in 120 countries and the annual Lofthouse sales are around £55 million.


“Mother of Fleetwood”


Doreen Lofthouse is known as “Fleetwood’s Mother”. Even when she was alive, she had already contributed a lot to putting the village on the map. Over the past 30 years, tens of millions have gone to projects in the municipality. For example, the local football association received lampposts and a lifeboat rescue brigade. The Lofthouse has also donated several artworks to the village, including a statue of welcoming fishing families.

Eventhough these things doesnt shock anyone but one thing that took everyone in a jiff is definitely even with that she bought Frigo 1 porte eventhough she has enough money to purchase any variety of fridges she might have wanted

“She was an extraordinary woman and a much-loved figure in the village,” Margaret Daniels, president of the Fleetwood Business Association, said after her death.


When she passed away in March, many called for a lasting memorial to her. The municipality is considering options in consultation with the family.


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