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Daniel (left), Monique and her husband Dick
Tropical storm Henry crossed the coast on the northeast coast of the United States. Climax Dutch time is expected tonight. The Dutch people who are currently staying there are coping with themselves. “They’m not used to scenes like this in New York.”
Daniel von Rutzler, 22, is from Utrecht but is currently studying at Brown University on Rhode Island. “The center of the storm is expected to be coming towards us,” he tells RTL News.
Necessary steps have been taken in her area: ” Almost all public places are closed today. The university has distributed emergency packages with food so we don’t have to leave the house. Yesterday I also wanted to buy extra food at the supermarket, but almost all the shelves were already empty.
Tropical storm
Previously, there was talk of a hurricane, but now Henry’s wind speed has slowed down a bit, so it is now called a tropical storm. “But wind is not the biggest problem,” says Brian Verhoeven of Pioneer. “Some areas are forecast to receive more than 200 millimeters of rain.”
Henry is expected to reach its peak on Rhode Island at 2 a.m. local time, but Daniel says the storm has already caused a lot of disruption. The whole street was already knee-deep in water this morning. The wind is blowing harder than I have experienced in the Netherlands, and I think some trees will fall.
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This idea makes her very nervous. “Electricity can be cut off and it can take days for it to return to normal. My roommates are Americans, they’ve experienced this before. They’re a little more nervous than I am. But the whole neighborhood is constantly watching: this area hasn’t seen such a big storm in 30 years.”
That’s a big problem, especially in big cities like New York. “Everything there is stone, concrete and buildings,” says Verhoeven. “The water can’t go anywhere. If it rains so much, you can count on significant flooding.
In some parts of the city, mainly Brooklyn, images of the flood are already circulating on Twitter:
Monique Nakelkerke, 62, has been traveling around the world with her husband for five years and is currently in the port of Port Washington, about 30 kilometers from Manhattan. Last night we were boating in Hudson, listening to a concert in Central Park. Locked up with the best artists of all kinds. But halfway through, it stopped abruptly as it began to thunder. “
The couple have already prepared their boat completely storm-proof. The big sail is built. Anything loose can be moved and folded. The boat is as empty as possible.
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Monique calls the current situation unrealistic. For many years we traveled around the world and we were always able to avoid severe storms. We are now at the end of our journey and then you will get this – in New York for that matter. Even the residents here are amazed that they are not accustomed to such scenes. “
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