The Dominican Republic is the seventh largest nation in the United States with the highest percentage of vaccinated population.

The Dominican Republic is the seventh largest nation in the United States with the highest percentage of vaccinated population.

The Dominican Republic is the seventh nation on the American continent, with a large percentage of its population vaccinated against COVID-19.

Data provided by the portal “Our World Data” indicates that as of June 17, 21.5 percent of the population was vaccinated against both doses of some vaccine against COVID-19.

Worldwide, the Dominican Republic enters the list of 30 countries where more than 20% of its population is vaccinated.

Within the continent, Chile is the most vaccinated country, with 48.3 percent of its population and the United States 44.4 percent; Uruguay, 38.2 percent; Antigua and Barbuda, 24.8 percent; Dominica, 24.8 percent; Barbados, with 22.1 percent and the Dominican Republic with 21.5 percent.

This country is larger than large countries like Canada, where 17.1 percent of its population is paid in both sizes; Mexico, 12.3 percent; Argentina, 8 percent, Colombia, 8.5 percent.

Data collected by our World Database does not record any details about the vaccine in Haiti, while only 0.8 percent of Venezuela’s vaccinated population is established.

Globally, the data collection site indicates that to date, 9.8 percent of the world’s population is fully vaccinated against the virus.

Vaccination day

The most recent data released by the Ministry of Public Health indicates that 6,675,351 doses of vaccine against Govt-19 have been used as of June 17.

Of these, 4,344,495 are the first dose vaccine and 2,330,856 are the second dose, so the same number are fully vaccinated.

The government continues with National Vaccination Day, which has been held in the territory since this Friday, but is focusing on this weekend in the southern and eastern part of the Dominican Republic.

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On the same day, Public Health Minister Daniel Rivera visited a hospital in the state of Barona, where he promised to vaccinate 49,000 people to rid the state of the corona virus.

Despite this, Chinese media outlets in the south reported that the day in the province began with great fear, as the Chinese provincial company Synovac’s sizes arrived just after 12:00 noon on Friday.

Similarly, they pointed out that the contribution of the citizens of the southern part of the country to the rains affecting the national landscape is alarming.

In another order, the epidemiological bulletin on the status of COVID-19, published by the Ministry of Public Health, reported 1,784 cases in the last 24 hours, with 55,027 active cases and a total of 315,815 records.

In terms of deaths, the bulletin reported six deaths in the last 24 hours, for a total of 3,754.

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