The body fished from the river belonged to a homeless person

The body fished from the river belonged to a homeless person

The body found in New Amsterdam belonged to a fallen homeless person

The body that Monday morning at the dock Commissioner Thurkowweg on the Suriname River. It was caught and caught, turns out to belong to a homeless man, who fell into the water. It’s about 73-year-old Charles Owen Fong.

He had gone to take a bath at Marinetrap on Sunday, November 27, for reasons as yet unknown I fell into the river. The man disappeared into the depths. Monday morning around 9:30 am, New Amsterdam police received a report of a body that washed up on the dock.

New Amsterdam Police, who were called, were on site to conduct an investigation after the report was submitted. The corpse poured onto another sidewalk. The officers called for help from a fisherman who was setting up fishing nets on the spot. Bring the police to the site.

The body was tied up and dragged to the dock, where the fire brigade took control of it.

The remains show a gaping hood wound in the head, showing the skull. In the interests of the investigation, the body was confiscated by the police for the Suriname Public Prosecution Service.

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