The best tweets about episode 10 of Farmer Seeks a Woman 2022

Boer zoekt Vrouw aflevering 10

In this tenth episode, Janine and Everett make their final choice. Did Sander or Christian become with Janine? Has Maud or Nance become Evert? These are the best tweets about episode 10 of “The Farmer Looking for a Woman”!

1. Who would Janine choose?!

2. Janine’s mother gives wise advice.

3. Nice smooth conversations though.

4. Maud stole our hearts.

5. What a treat!

6. Yes! Everett picks Maud.

7. Evert spoke beautifully.

8. Janine still can’t choose.

9. You have finally made the decision.

10. Love is not over yet.

11. Wendy hasn’t felt that way yet.

12. Look at them lying there, those lovebirds.

13. Don’t fall in love with viewers.

14. What a thrill tonight.

15. We can turn on the translation.

16. Whether that’s a yes…

17. Rob’s brother soon.

18. We rarely see them.

19. Cheers!

20. He plays guitar in his own room.

21. Cute and uncomfortable at the reception!!!!

22. Have a happy weekend away…

Until next week!

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