Telegram has upgraded its chat app with a number of new features, including a download manager. In it, users can pause or prioritize downloads. Since 2020, it is already possible to send files up to 2 GB via Telegram.
When Telegram users start the download, they will see a new icon in the search field. The download manager can be opened by clicking on it. If multiple downloads are in progress at the same time, it is possible to change the priority on this screen and downloads can also be paused. Also, recent downloads are displayed. Telegram has been offering the option to send large files between them for years. Since 2020, the file limit is 2 GB. File management via the Files tab has also been improved. From now on, it will also display recently sent files and allow users to search for files by name.
also Telegram refreshes List of adding attachments to the message. When multiple photos and videos are selected, users can now preview what they will look like in the chat. Then you can scroll with the chosen media. In the iOS version of the app, the attachment list has been completely redesigned to match the Android version.
The update also allows users to share a link with a phone number, allowing others to start a Telegram chat right away. Previously this only worked with username. The links use the format, using the international phone number format. According to Telegram, the update will be released on Friday.
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