Talk Show M is discontinued after five seasons | television

Talk Show M is discontinued after five seasons |  television

“I am very proud that we have shown a truly different voice and have given so many new people and subjects a stage,” van der Linden said in a statement. “After five seasons, it is time to explore new paths again. Thank you to everyone who watched our show and I look forward to seeing the scenes on one of my new shows.”

A press release from Kro-Ncrv stated that Margriet “has decided, in close consultation with Kro-Ncrv, that there will be no sequel to the talk show in the fall of 2022.” Margaret did not mention the approaching farewell date in her show on Thursday.

On Friday, the anchor will broadcast her last broadcast of M† She then made a total of 344 episodes.

“We’ve had an amazing five seasons with Margriet, in which, as an inspirational talk show host, she discusses topics not revealed on other talk shows,” Sandra Hellster, Kro-Ncrv Media Director, says in the press release. It sets us apart, which is still something that is important to do in these times of polarization.”

“Her diverse guest policy with the new ‘voices’ has been appreciated by her following audience,” Hellster says. However, the talk show also received criticism for the guests’ choice and approach. For example, in a special Christmas broadcast of 2019, jihadi bride Laura H. was a guest. Politicians and tweeters called it “sick” and “wonderful” that ISIS travelers were allowed to tell her story, without ISIS atrocities taking a leading role.

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M He appeared on TV for the first time in May 2018. The show started as a summertime alternative to the popular The world goes onDWDD† In recent years, the talk show has alternated with the first program Eve and now Khaled and Sophie† The latter will start a new season on Monday anyway.

since the end DWDD NPO talk shows no longer do well at the same time. became former Eve The broadcast was already discontinued because the program was “not urgent” enough.

In the last period of M Viewership numbers were relatively low compared to previous seasons. In 2020 and 2021, for example, M still attracts nearly a million viewers on average, compared to less than 700,000 in 2022. This is evident from figures from Stichting Kijkonderzoek. Loans MThe world goes onIt drew over a million viewers in twelve of its fifteen seasons.

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