Suddenly Elon Musk is making a strange request to new Tesla buyers

Suddenly Elon Musk is making a strange request to new Tesla buyers

Tesla CEO Elon Musk suddenly added a strange new rule to the Cybertruck’s terms and conditions. Pickup buyers are not allowed to sell their vehicle within one year from the delivery date.

These are Ferrari-like rules that buyers must adhere to. This requirement is of course intended to prevent buyers from immediately reselling their car at a significant profit.

Now just order Elon Musk to America

At the moment, Elon Musk’s request to Tesla Cybertruck buyers can only be read on the American website.

What if you sell your Tesla Cybertruck?

But what if you still want to sell your Cybertruck in the first year? Then you must inform the manufacturer about it.

Elon Musk confirms: Tesla will manufacture an inexpensive electric car in Germany

If you have a good reason to sell, the manufacturer will repossess the car. You will then receive the purchase price minus $0.25 per mile driven for wear and tear.

Elon Musk, Tesla Cybertruck, Al Qaeda, Order
(Image: Tesla)

If you sell the car without permission, you can get a huge fine. Tesla then demands $50,000 in damages. You could end up on a blacklist and never be allowed to buy an Elon Musk car again.

Tesla Cybertruck Netherlands

The strange requirement for buyers of a new Tesla is not yet present on the Dutch website. However, the Cybertruck is far from predictable here. The first copies were produced in America only now.

Elon Musk has not responded yet

Musk has not yet responded to amending the general terms and conditions. However, the Tesla CEO previously stated that the pickup truck represents a headache for the brand: “We dug our own grave.”

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