In response to the rumors, Stage Entertainment will investigate possible cross-border behavior by Danny de Munk. In a video for gossip vlogger Yvonne Coldviger, the 52-year-old actor was accused of misconduct. The entertainment company has taken note of these allegations and will investigate them, a spokesperson for the National Ports Agency confirmed after reporting from Show news† Danny de Monk’s management was not available for comment.
,, These events would have occurred during the period that Danny de Monk appeared in the production of Cesc de Rat of 2007,” a Stage Entertainment spokesperson said. In her video, Coldeweiger says, among other things, that De Munk would work with children under the influence on shows Cesc de Rat. We have influenced the content of the news deeply. We will investigate this further in response to the reports.”
According to the spokesperson, employees who have had to deal with infringing behavior can always turn to confidential counselors. “We are also very careful with the children who play in our productions. They receive guidance from special childcare providers.”
The entertainment company requests that potential interested parties report to the relevant authorities. “Like an independent MORES hotline, perhaps the police, or our internal hotline. As Stage Entertainment, we will provide all possible assistance and support to the participants.”
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