Sonia Bakker stops: I need to rest in the coming period

Sonia Bakker stops: I need to rest in the coming period

And it turns out RTL Boulevard was right, Sonya now admits to us. “After taking the necessary measures, I was convinced that I had resolved the issue of the leak. Everything indicated that it remained with the recipes on Instagram,” she admits. However, Sonya had to conclude that one recipe from her book was previously published elsewhere.

“The recipe is almost the same, and the photo was taken in our food photo studio. This allows me to keep my honest promise of no plagiarism in the books. It is very important to me always that I am 100% late in standing my words, that’s why it’s so hard for me to happen “. According to the diet expert, it’s only one recipe, but she admits it’s way too much.

Although Sonya has been working on her cookbooks with great love and pleasure for the past 20 years, due to the situation she is no longer able to calmly write her new vegan book. Since the situation has also affected her health, Sonya has decided to start her work as a writer from Monday. I’m waiting To set for an indefinite period of time. “I am very upset at the moment and feel 100 per cent responsible for what happened. I need to rest in the coming period.”

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