Son Ann Heck is arguing with her ex-boyfriend about inheritance

Son Ann Heck is arguing with her ex-boyfriend about inheritance

People He would have been given access to court documents in which Homer presents a nine-page appendix to his earlier application for control of his mother’s estate. Anne’s will, or rather her lack of it, has caused the necessary discord among her closest relatives since the time of her death.

In the newspapers, Homer claims, among other things, that James, who had a son named Atlas by Anne, blocks all Homer’s attempts to contact Atlas. It also describes the document James gave as a will – and which is cited as an official – invalid because his mother’s signature is said to have been forged. In addition, it is legally necessary for two witnesses to be present when preparing such a document, which did not happen, according to Homer.

Homer calls James’ earlier claims—that he was unfit to serve as an administrator because he would have been “parted” from her at the time of Anne’s death—”unfounded and inaccurate.”

Ann was seriously injured on August 5 when she drove home. She suffered severe burns, lung injuries, and fell into a coma. The actress was found to have suffered serious brain damage from lack of oxygen and was declared dead on August 11.

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