Software Update: Qubes OS 4.2.0 – PC – Downloads

I have been using Qubes OS for 6 months, on a Qubes OS (CustomNova) certified PC, and I am very satisfied.
Some positive and negative points:

– The learning curve is quite steep (for example, settings in appVM must be made in a special way so that the settings are not reset after a reboot
-AppVMs are always “reset” after a reboot and are therefore loaded starting from the Qube template
-I always browse in disposable Qube (when I close the browser, Qube stops and is deleted)
Files (such as PDF files) can also be viewed in a separate virtual machine that can be removed with a right mouse click
– Complete control over the USB devices you connect to your computer. After verification, you can assign them to a specific VM (qube)
-Visually beautiful integration of the Cubes, only the color of the screens indicates that you are in a different Cape
– Full control over the copy and paste function

My configuration:
-I have 10 different Qubes (personal, standard business email, admin, VPN, remote support, kali, win11 qube, vault, qube development,…)

This computer, along with some yubikes, keepass, and bitwarden, makes me feel comfortable as an administrator and user to perform a very diverse range of tasks ranging from developer to cloud infrastructure manager.

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