Software Update: MAME 0.260 – PC – Downloads

MAME logo (45px) MAME version 0.260 has been released. MAME is an abbreviation for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator and is a program that makes it possible to create a large amount of games Classic games To play. MESS stands for Multi Emulator Super System and emulates a large number of older systems Computers, such as Commodore 64, Atari 2600, Gameboy, and ZX Spectrum. The list of changes is extensive here; The release notes can be found below.

MAME 0.260:

Some long-awaited updates arrived in October, making MAME 0.260 a very exciting release! First, there are some general updates to MAME itself. After a few false starts, MAME now supports bgfx video output with Wayland on Linux. By request of users, you can finally use delta CHD files for cloning systems and software items. This allows you to save significant disk space in some cases when you have multiple versions of a system item or program. There is also an updated version of PortAudio.

Two very different systems from Casio were upgraded into action this month. The first is the CZ-101 Compact Keyboard Synthesizer. I used phased distortion synthesis, which was Casio’s answer to avoiding the patent for Yamaha’s DX series. To help you load patches, MAME can now feed SysEx files to emulated MIDI input ports. The other is Loopy, a gaming console released exclusively in Japan and marketed primarily to girls. Although the audio output, label printer, and frame capture extension aren’t emulated (yet), you can experience the entire system’s library of eleven software titles.

Several Korean arcade games have been added this month, including the Solitaire card game from the F2 system which uses a custom control pad and features some rather annoying 3D animations. A few Merit games have been added as well. Other improvements include more NuBus cards and PDS emulated for Mac, Cumana DFS disk image support for Acorn Electron, and MSX Flash cartridge support.

That’s all we have time to highlight here, but of course there is more. You can read about everything updated this month at Whatsnew.txt file.

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Pacman screenshot (620p)

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