Snapshot Makers 0 promises Windows 7 support until January 2025 – Computer – News

A good revenue model for this company, but in my opinion it is of no use to you, but you take all the risks.
1. The risk of not covering all weaknesses by this company
That company was MS, now 0patch
2. The risk of rogue cargo being loaded by them or the company itself being specifically targeted because they provide this service
I’ve also had this risk with MS, so it makes no difference
3. Since you are running an unsupported operating system, you can whistle for support from Microsoft in the case of support
That’s right, if you’re still using Win7, you won’t get support from MS, whether you use patches from 0Patch or not, it doesn’t matter.

Who is joking now? Officials using this should get a kick in the ass.

In short, although upgrade is the mantra, sometimes it is against the will of IT administrators that such devices are still in use, especially as a control computer or for specific applications, as there are still no suitable alternatives or upgrade costs of several million not Excellence.
Mitigating the risks is still better than simply leaving it unfixed.
I’ve been supporting programs since 1992! They are already on the sixth attempt to replace her, but they continue to fail to come close to “My Rolls Royce” (their words). Since then, the device on which it is running has become a default, but the underlying operating system is very old without patches.
Unfortunately, we cannot upgrade to newer versions because both HP and IBM have lost specific source codes for you to upgrade. And I actually no longer work there, except for some occasional support.

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