Sexy and I dance singer who still wants to start a family: Nelson changes course after losing loved ones

Sexy and I dance singer who still wants to start a family: Nelson changes course after losing loved ones

Niels Littooij, better known as Nielson, loves to be at festivals and can indulge himself during the summer months. But the singer is sexy and I’m dancing also looking forward to next fall. Then he went on tour with Trust & New: a concert in which he promises to be very personal. “How the boy became the man I am today,” he says in his book Libelle.

Heavy family events

Undoubtedly, his desire to become a father was also discussed. “I wasn’t sure about it before, but now I think: If it happened now, I’d really like it.” Violent family events had an impact on this. His grandfather passed away two years ago. A month later, his cousin Nathan was diagnosed with acute leukemia. He died two months after diagnosis at the age of 28. Especially since Nathan’s death cuts short on Nelson.

Photo: Peter Smulders

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