Senior Voice: Justin Belmelay picks emotional France Bauer | TV

Senior Voice: Justin Belmelay picks emotional France Bauer |  TV

Belmelay (62) told presenter Martin Krabi of her motives for participating in the search for television talent for people over 60: “The Netherlands knows me from the song contest, but I have a lot to offer.” She was in the background of Gerard Juling’s choir at the 1988 Eurovision Song Contest to sing with her Shangri-La. A year later, Belmilai took the big stage himself keep up.

That poem put her on the map, but the singer wanted it big voice They show the audience a different side of themselves. Her lover John had accompanied the show which was taped last summer, while Belmilai was still in 2020 after breaking up with him. lonely birthday testing. The horrific story of the sinking of the Costa Concordia, where she was on board, was also discussed.

A little nervous, stepped talent “elderly” The stage In the studio in last dance by Donna Summer. Successfully: Bauer, Yuling, and Angela Grothuizen respectively shifted their red chairs. The cheerful Frans immediately put a smile on his face when he saw Belmillay performing. “I was just running on intuition and great thought, so that’s cool.” Bauer struck the right chord with the comment “You probably just want to leave your Eurovision past a little behind” and thus gave the other coaches a check.

“I think it’s a great honor, and I really promise we’ll do something really beautiful together. It even makes me a little emotional. You’ve seen me grow up as an artist and I hope I can give you more beautiful moments in the coming weeks,” he said, stamped with a kiss on his hand.

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Last season I participated in Imca Marina big voiceAfter that, she advised her colleagues to try it. “Unique. In my younger years I was living by profession. I wanted to experience something like this in my life, such a show is a great experience.”

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