Samantha Stenwick demands correction and money, and Yvonne Coldvier: “Aren’t two corrections enough?” † Displays

Samantha Stenwick demands correction and money, and Yvonne Coldvier: “Aren’t two corrections enough?”  † Displays

Caldwyer told herself two days ago that she would be sued† The Amsterdam Court and Stenwick Management declined to comment. Steenwijk’s attorney now asserts that the lawsuit does indeed relate to the “diet pill video” and that in addition to the correction, damages are also being sought. The lawyer will not say how high it is. According to Coldeweiger, it is about 5,000 euros.

Coldeweiger tells this site that she plans to come to trial next Friday in Amsterdam. Plus, she told – via email – that she had already posted a patch :,, I’m definitely willing to patch. fact; I’ve also done that twice. I have deleted this video. However, this was not enough for Mrs. Steenwijk, which is why she filed a lawsuit. I will actually be present in court next week.”

Coldeweiger has previously reported that the singer denies using the pill. Attorney and Samantha Stenwick find this insufficient. “She just has to literally say the story isn’t true.”

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