Rolf Sanchez: ‘The Secret Strike in Spanish with Special Words’ | right Now

Rolf Sanchez: ‘The Secret Strike in Spanish with Special Words’ |  right Now

Rolf Sanchez’s debut album release date has been pushed back several times, but Friday finally arrived and it’s now May Viage to listen. In a conversation with, the singer explains what he believes is the secret behind the successes of the Spanish language.

The new album contains two Spanish-Dutch songs and an all-Dutch song. However, the singer hopes to achieve international success again soon.

“My first number in the US was in the bachata genre. The thirteenth track on the album is intentionally a song of that genre. My ambition continues to be to go back to Latin America and try again there.” However, at the moment he is very grateful for his success in the Netherlands, where his base lies.

According to Sanchez, the secret of Spanish multiplication in the Netherlands lies in the well-known Spanish words. Words that are easy to sing even for people who don’t speak Spanish. Think despacito or ‘no manu ariba‘ at Danza Kodoro† To be honest, I note this myself. A song on my album called DenominatorBecause most Dutch people know what that means.”

salute to my father

The singer has already announced his album last year, but the release date has been postponed several times. “Every time I thought the album was over, so I kept saying the album was coming. But when I listened to the album, I missed another one. Since it’s the first album, I want people to know who I am and where it’s coming from, both musically and privately.”

So he wrote the song What was to his father. “A salute to someone who always stood by me, through thick and thin. He always gave me the push that keeps me going.”

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The singer sometimes doubted whether this profession was for him. “When I was still living in Miami and not having much success in the States, I called my dad once. I told him I didn’t think it would work for me then. Then he got on the plane to meet me face to face. Say, ‘Go on, because one day you will laugh on a scale.’” Too broad.” And I always laughed very broadly,” Sanchez joked. “I’ve never forgotten that sentence and I included it in the song.”

His family is very important to the singer. “My brother is my tour manager and my dad is always there in case something goes wrong. My mother is my biggest fan, she films every performance and posts everything on Facebook. Sometimes I have to say, ‘Mama, take it off, because that part of it went wrong.’ His mom helps.” Also in finance.” “Actually, it is kind of a family business.”

Music suitable for tik tok dances

Since she was not allowed to perform in the time of Corona, Sanchez decided to capitalize on the success of the huge TikTok platform. “At the time, I just wanted to compose music that I could do a TikTok dance on.”

Now the singer is less interested in this. “But of course I mainly make dance music, so if there’s a nice dance with a song, that’s just a bonus.”

Collaboration with Ronnie Flex

There are two types of collaboration on the album: manana With Bilal Wahib and Wonderful With Kris Kross Amsterdam. Sanchez’s wish list for other artists he would like to collaborate with is long. “I think Ronnie Felix is ​​one of the coolest artists in the Netherlands. I’ve spoken to him and I know he really wants to work together, so I hope that happens soon.”

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At De Vrienden van Amstel LIVE, Sanchez sang a duet with Davina Michel. “Man Jesus, a song together would be great. Kind of a powerful song in both Spanish and English. Plus, the collaboration with Dani Vera sounds really cool.”

“Yes, I’m also a very good friend of Kraantje Pappie, he’s become one of my best friends. This guy has been at the forefront of our field for ten years, and I admire his talent and drive. I think something can show magic when we dive into the studio.”

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