Review Overview of Stranger Things 4: Critics aren’t happy with the overcrowded story | right Now

Review Overview of Stranger Things 4: Critics aren’t happy with the overcrowded story |  right Now

After a break of nearly three years, the story Weird things repeatedly. The popular Netflix series, which revolves around a group of children battling the forces of evil in the eighties, was received with great enthusiasm by the international press. However, there are criticisms from different angles for the overcrowded story of Matt and Ross Dover.

Norwegian Refugee Council – 3 stars

“The creators, brothers Matt and Ross Dover, are making up for their long absence by delivering their biggest and most amazing season to date. This approach comes at the expense of the original magic.”

“Some of the elements still work: the scenes with Hawkins’ extremists, including mischievous Dustin and the kinda messy Robin, work best. Here you’ll also find the best jokes and nicest folk cultural references (Kate Bush’s music plays an important role).”

“Unfortunately, the momentum is often at other times: developments with Hopper in particular are slow and frustrating. Fortunately, the season has finally started. Good. It has become a sensation.”

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rolling rock – Doesn’t give stars

“The Dover Brothers certainly won’t be the first creators to get too satisfied in later seasons. With the series Netflix is ​​sure to watch most viewers, longer episodes mean more minutes of watching and the streaming service’s algorithm is just but happier.”

“But maybe it’s a lot less elusive than that. The Dovers probably fell in love with all the people who made them, and they can’t let them go. Weird things It has become so large that they can no longer completely control it themselves.”

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“Anyway, it’s good Weird things Let’s see again, especially the parts that happen in Hawkins. But it was nicer not to have to watch all the other scenes.”

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wrap – Doesn’t give stars

“Very little of this season takes place in school, which is a wise choice given that most of the cast members now look like college students. Millie Bobby Brown is made younger for flashback scenes, but computer animation sometimes has a weird clone effect.”

Horror fans will have visual winks in Shutter Island Silence of the Lambs and even learn about the fatal sleep paralysis of Freddy Krueger.”

Despite its length, the first part of this fourth season is an epic, albeit uneven, viewing experience. The series finds its basis in subsequent episodes, as the gaps in Eleven’s past are filled in and the series’ deadliest villain is introduced to. In doing so, the series transcends the usual horror elements and tells a story of its own.”

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empire – 4 stars

“Although the series sometimes appears overcrowded, the compelling comfort and charisma of this world remain above all else. Bright and colorful photography, strong chemistry and formidable mysteries in Scooby DooThe style is all present and well executed.”

“She takes it even with the filmmakers’ added flair, which is particularly evident in the fluid and impressive camera movements, and adds timeless themes, such as the fallout from the Vietnam War and increasing aggression during the Cold War.”

“If you’re looking for a bigger plan for the fifth and final season, it hasn’t been revealed yet. But that doesn’t make this journey any less interesting.”

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