Research: LNG investment threatens climate goals | climate
تتوقع دول مثل ألمانيا أنها ستتمكن لاحقًا من استخدام محطات الغاز الطبيعي المسال الخاصة بها لاستيراد الهيدروجين الأخضر. ولكن وفقا لآخر ابحاث من معهد الأبحاث الألماني فراونهوفر ISI لا تزال هناك "شكوك كبيرة" حول هذا الموضوع. هناك تكاليف كبيرة وتحديات فنية متضمنة.
Volg de klimaattop
Climate plans are not on track for 1.5 degrees
In its report, the Climate Action Tracker also looks at climate plans that countries have submitted to the United Nations. Researchers have noticed few changes since the Glasgow Climate Summit a year ago. Only 25 countries have tightened their climate targets in the past year, and in some cases it has been mostly a symbolic change.
According to current policy, global warming will reach 2.7 degrees by 2100, the Climate Action Tracker predicts. If all countries fully adhered to their 2030 goals and promises to become climate-neutral afterward, the warming would be two degrees.
The think tank sees good news from the US that a set of very ambitious climate measures will be launched this year Supposedly. China is also increasing its commitment to renewable energy in the Five-Year Plan presented by President Xi Jinping this year.
07 nov 2022 om 09:36
Alarmerend rapport bij start klimaattop: laatste acht jaren zijn warmste ooit
01 nov 2022 om 16:56
Kabinet voert klimaatbeleid te langzaam uit om doelen te halen