This effect was already known from abroad, but no research had been conducted in the Netherlands. Maastricht researchers did this by looking at about a thousand births.
much earlier
In most cases, maternity care almost always helps with home births, but it usually does not accompany a hospital birth by a gynecologist. This study looked at the effect if maternity care was present early for a home birth (or an outpatient birth), or if maternity care was continued during a medical birth.
Maternity care, which is usually only available to the midwife during the latter part of the birth, can provide the expectant mother and partner with emotional and practical support in the earlier hours, making her feel more comfortable.
cheaper too
The results were clear: the number of caesarean sections was halved, 40 percent pain relief was needed, and in the end, these deliveries were also cheaper, despite the extra hours of maternity care.
“If we think this is a better form of care, we should make it easier in the Netherlands,” says gynecologist and lead researcher Liesbeth Scheepers. However, more research is needed to see if it is suitable for all women in the Netherlands.