Research: Dutch Apple Siri market share drops from 40 to 31 percent – picture and sound – news

Everyone knows that we are the product, but the following example is a limitation for me.

I order something from iBood with a werk@gmail mail address.
Google knows to tell me at this email address that DHL will deliver this on date x and time y from supplier z.

I order a new iPhone from Apple itself and Apple displays a message on my old iPhone that they are already backing up my new phone. Then I get a text that says DHL is coming and Siri recognizes it again to put it on my calendar.

Now I feel much more comfortable with 2 compared to 1. Apple doesn’t read into my domain, I expect – mail goes through the Microsoft app – and that’s purely from the fact that I string it all together via my Apple ID.

Google I’ve run everything on that particular email address in the tracking domain etc. This is only active on another phone, but it literally knows everything about my application.

Apart from that, Siri is not the smartest Dutch speech assistant. English provides a more fluent experience, I know of a Dutch friend who lives in New York and uses an entire Apple ecosystem there.

The location of the Siri light off site is processed faster than you can turn off the light on site.

That’s because I’m afraid our language simply doesn’t produce enough to create an entire team versus, say, English and Spanish.

I think this is more due to the input (language) than the program because my hair style and such, Siri understands very well. Or whoever talks to Siri at home is recognized without any problems.

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