Renzi Clammer does not know the ‘real reason’ behind the suspension of De Vooravond | stars

Renzi Clammer does not know the ‘real reason’ behind the suspension of De Vooravond |  stars

Klamer was on vacation in Curaçao when he heard that de Voravond was not getting a third season. “I was on a boat in the water around Curaçao. I was standing with all the happy people around me and then I called the manager on the phone, and he told me the program was going off. The next morning, an email was sent.” Because of the time difference between Curaçao and the Netherlands, the Klammer family had to hear the news via a press release.


Immediately after the news, Clamer was “furious,” he says. “It was more of a surprise. You think: Hey, what’s going on here?” The announcer didn’t expect a moment when de Voravond wouldn’t last. “I was expecting to be doing this program for years to come.”

Eve Unexpectedly off the air by BnnVara due to ‘no urgency’. “Urgency seems to me a wonderful word, because we discuss today’s news every day.” Clamer doesn’t know why BnnVara decided to pull the plug on De Vooravond. “I couldn’t figure out the real cause. There’s no point in investigating it anymore. I can’t get the program back. It doesn’t make me happier if I work on it all day. So what’s the point of that for me?”


It was announced on Tuesday that Klamer will begin work on RTL. He signed a two-year contract. The presenter can be seen on the channel through his own talk show from August. The program can then be watched on RTL 4 every business day throughout the month.

Klammer himself took the lead by knocking on the door of Peter van der Voorst, RTL Program Manager. The TV director said on Tuesday that the announcer called Van der Forest and was pleasantly surprised RTL Boulevard† What Klamer will do next will be announced later. “There are plans, but I can’t name specific titles or programs yet.”

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