PvdA members quarrel with each other over joining a new government interior

PvdA members quarrel with each other over joining a new government interior

Meanwhile, MEP Paul Tang and Bossche PvdA member Peter Paul Slicker sent a letter to the members calling on them not to block participation in formation with the VVD. During the Council of Members, a motion will be voted on by other relevant PvdA members calling for doing so.

They think it’s a bad idea to get into a locker with Mark Rutte’s VVD after the wildcard issue and the ‘Survey Gate’. A few months ago, their party endorsed a motion of no confidence in Rutte and the faction turned on backdoor politics and political games. They found it impossible to explain – also in view of the rapidly approaching municipal elections – that their party now suddenly wanted to join the VVD in the Cabinet again. They would prefer to see PvdA in tampering with exhibitions with more cooperation with GL.

Insiders believe that this anti-Rutte sentiment is rife at the party and that various suggestions about this could be a success.

For Party Leader Blumen, this would create a thundercloud over her head. She listens to Kaag Alliance for VVD, D66, CDA, GL and PvdA. If she was called back by her party, it might be a line drawn.

He convinces

Soon, the long message surfaced from Tang and former campaign manager Slicker, who is running for party leadership and known in the PvdA as the Bloomin’s Voice Council. In it they try to persuade party members simply to reject suggestions as to whether or not to join the party.

According to the Letters of Letters, right-wing parties are currently defining the formation game “by vetoing the left twice.” The initiative on the left has been lost. The left does not lead, it suffers.” They want to reverse this path.” We call on PvdA members: Choose a winning strategy. Do not allow yourself to be drawn into a debate about pellets and reject any suggestion that by definition invites whether or not you will judge.”

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Suggestions about combining with GL plums Tang and Slikker don’t do that either. “Suggestions arguing by definition for or against merger do not serve us.”

PvdA members are very reactive to the message. They point out that the PvdA has always held great respect for party democracy. They think Tang and Slicker are changing that.

“Not understood”

Martin Wedemiger, a Harlem Council member, initiating one of the suggestions Tang and Slicker contested, cannot believe his eyes. “Our members’ democracy is one we should cherish. Our party is made up of all kinds of different opinions. I look forward to our members being able to speak publicly about some things on Saturday. A candidate for president’s suggestion that it is not up to the members now is incomprehensible.”

President candidate Frank Van de Wald also shows little understanding of this message. An appeal against member democracy? These are very topical topics – cooperation with GroenLinks yes/no, or government involvement yes/no – members must agree to this. “

Hanging on the wall

The formation is still rock solid. VVD and CDA cabinet with CU is preferred. They also find an acceptable left-wing party. The D66 is intimidated by both options, and party leader Sigrid Kaag is still racing for her five favorites with both the GL and PvdA.

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