Putin declares martial law for illegally annexed Ukrainian regions

Putin declares martial law for illegally annexed Ukrainian regions

France Press agency

NOS . Newsmodified

Russian President Putin announced that from tomorrow martial law will be applied in the newly annexed Ukrainian regions. This concerns the occupied territories of the Donbass, Zaporizhia and Kherson regions. Crimea is not mentioned.

This means that the occupied territories will come under stricter control by the Kremlin. Martial law gives the military more power and limits the liberties of civilians.

It is not yet clear what exactly will change. A number of ministries and government institutions have three days to submit their proposals. Actions that could be taken under martial law include deportation, censorship, school closures, phone checks and wiretaps, and travel bans.

alert status

Via a video link to the Security Council, Putin explained that martial law was already in force in the regions before they “joined Russia”. “Now we have to formalize this in accordance with Russian law. That is why I signed a decree on the application of martial law in these four regions of the Russian Federation,” Putin said. The decree still needs approval by the Federation Council.

There is also a “state of alert” for eight Russian regions on the border with Ukraine. It becomes difficult for people to travel in and out of those areas and there are additional police checks. These include Belgorod, Krasnodar and Kursk.

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