Prime Minister Rutte survived a vote of no confidence after a parliamentary debate on gas extraction in Groningen

Prime Minister Rutte survived a vote of no confidence after a parliamentary debate on gas extraction in Groningen

According to GroenLinks leader Jesse Claver, Rota was not critical enough about his role in the gas extraction in Groningen. Klaver has received support from PvdA, SP, BBB and Volt. PVV, JA21, PvdD, Groep-Van Haga and Independent Member of Parliament Peter Umtzigt. Coalition partners Cristinoni and the CDA have also criticized the prime minister, but still express their support.

The discussion was about the harsh conclusions of the parliamentary commission of inquiry which investigated gas extraction in Groningen, and the consequences thereof for the inhabitants of that province.

To shame you to death

According to Claver, GroenLinks was shocked by “the way the Prime Minister looked back”. Many opposition politicians would have preferred that Rutte keep this honor for himself. Given the situation and Rutte’s role, Socialist Party MP Sandra Beckerman calls her “ashamed of the need for a motion of no confidence at all”.

Compliments were extended to Mirjam Becker (ChristenUnie) and Ellen Feder (CDA), who treated Rutte critically. But in the end they did not share the view of much of the opposition that the prime minister should resign.

Békér came up with a motion, along with other coalition parties and Algeria’s Stability Party, that they say they “deeply regret and do not agree” with the gas policy. But then it is about politics over a period of sixty years, which is conducted by various ministries and with the approval of the House of Representatives. The opposition directed its arrows exclusively at Rutte.

The movement is painful to root. Together, PvdA and GroenLinks have been an important pillar of support for the VVD, D66, CDA, and ChristenUnie coalition, which often relies on the left bloc to get proposals passed in the Senate. PvdA and GroenLinks can also help the Cabinet with a slim majority in the new Senate, which takes office next week.

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The only other path to a majority in the Senate is BoerBurgerBeweging, which has become the largest party there thanks to a monster victory in the provinces. But BBB leader Caroline van der Plas also supports the mistrust movement. By the way, this is directed specifically at Rutte as Minister of Public Affairs, since the opposition does not want to bring the government home, but only the Prime Minister.


In the April 5 debate over the results of the provincial elections, the same parties have already lost confidence in the entire cabinet. They did this because they felt the coalition parties wanted to take too long to articulate their nitrogen plans, after the CDA had indicated they wanted to renegotiate them.

In this video, you can see how difficult Rutte was in today’s debate:

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