Photos of the gold singer on stage are spreading online: ‘We never expected this’ | Instagram

Photos of the gold singer on stage are spreading online: ‘We never expected this’ |  Instagram

with videoBelgium’s Danai Greco had an unforgettable evening on Friday. The 21-year-old blossomed fronting Goldband’s show at Cactus Festival in Bruges. With a cardboard sign, she asked singer Milo Dressen for a kiss. Not long after that, Danny was invited on stage and allowed to suck his mouth full in front of 10,000 spectators.

Thomas Bosman

Last updated:
08-07-23, 21:52

Goldband is not averse to on-stage antics and Danaë secretly hopes so. She fronted the catwalk with the tag “Together White Wash + Muilen?” Hoping to get a response from the band’s singer from The Hague. “It’s the first time I’ve been to a Goldband concert,” she says. latest news.

She was in her hometown with friends for the festival. “We’ve been looking forward to it for a long time. We’ve tried to get tickets to several of the group’s shows over the past year, but we’ve never been successful. When we saw they were on Cactus, we immediately asked for tickets.”

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Danai Greco (21 years old) made this painting.
Danai Greco (21 years old) made this painting. © Philip Vanden Berghe / HLN

Early this year, a group of friends managed to secure tickets, which gave them the idea to do something crazy. “Of course we hoped that Dana would attract Milo’s attention,” her friends tell the Belgian newspaper. Of course, we never expected that he would accept her invitation.

We give it 100 percent. Their shows are great, because they are real artists

Danaë’s friends

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“We are not jealous at all,” smiles friends. “We give it 100 percent. Their shows are amazing because they’re real artists. They’re also kind and helpful with their audience. Their lyrics are beautiful and they don’t care what the rest of us think.”

After that, pictures of the moment quickly went viral on the Internet. And Dana knew that. She received many photos and videos of her through social media. “I will never forget this moment. I never thought Milo would accept my proposal and I admit that the French kiss was so delicious.”

Goldband is not only very popular in the Netherlands. Performing at the Cactus Festival in Bruges, he was so busy that hundreds of fans missed the start of the performance. Goldband guitarist Wieger Hoogendorp also had to miss the start due to heavy traffic towards the festival.

The festival sold out completely on Friday. The Goldband’s performance started at 7 p.m., but had to be done without the guitarist. Hoogendorp joined in the middle of the show. For this reason, they also waited a while with their emergency strike, “I saw a queue of up to a kilometer long,” said one of the members on stage.

bloody hot

This year, the Cactus Festival celebrated its 40th edition. “Today alone, ten thousand festival-goers are here,” the organization said. “Because it’s so hot – even tonight it will still be about 30 degrees – the Red Cross is on every corner.”

Later on Friday evening, Goldband also appeared on stage at Rock Zottegem in Belgium. A Belgian Dijkpop performance was also on the program this weekend. Later this month, the band from The Hague will perform again in the Netherlands at the Zwarte Cross Festival.

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The kiss with Milo Dressen with a fan.
The kiss with Milo Dressen with a fan. © HLN

Goldband during their performance at the Cactus Festival in Bruges.  / Many Goldband fans at the Cactus Festival in Bruges
Goldband during their performance at the Cactus Festival in Bruges. / Many Goldband fans at the Cactus Festival in Bruges © Benny Brutt / Benny Brutt

The green and yellow flag of The Hague seen in the audience.
The green and yellow flag of The Hague seen in the audience. © Penny Pruitt

Fans asked if they could go on stage.  And this is allowed!
Fans asked if they could go on stage. And this is allowed! © Penny Pruitt

Watch also: Goldband and Maan suddenly appeared in Jelle’s garden for a private performance.

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