Parking permits do not apply retroactively, and fines are justified

Parking permits do not apply retroactively, and fines are justified

A motorist who paid for his or her parking permit on July 23 must simply pay for hourly parking earlier that month. The judge ruled this week after the motorist appealed.

The motorist was issued a ticket on July 19, 2023 at 11:15 pm and on July 21, 2023 at 9:17 am, but he did not consent. According to him, he already had a parking permit on July 1. He paid for the months on July 23rd From July to October 2023, according to him, the standing policy was for permit holders to always pay for a full month.

The judge says that when it comes to parking in Amsterdam, there is a tax A and a tax B. Simply put, Tax A pays by the hour and Tax B pays for a parking permit, simply a parking permit. The Supreme Court previously ruled that if a parking lot permits tax B on which tax B is paid, tax A is not necessary.

“The court interprets plaintiff’s position in such a way that he argues that he paid the tax retroactively and therefore did not owe the tax,” the court wrote. In governance. “The court disagrees with the plaintiff on this position. After all, a parking permit only becomes valid after the conditions are met, including payment. This means that the plaintiff’s parking permit was only valid on July 24, 2023.”

Therefore the appeal is unsuccessful and the motorist still has to pay the fines.

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