Omroep Flevoland – News – Flevolanders can go to Floriade next week for €5

Omroep Flevoland – News – Flevolanders can go to Floriade next week for €5

Flevoland residents can go to Floriade in Almere next week for €5. These are the last days the event is open.

An entrance ticket usually costs €29, although in recent months there have been promotions where tickets have been offered at deep discounts.

1 week discount
The price of €5 is still much lower than these previous discount offers. Flevolanders can visit Floriade from Monday 3 October to Saturday 8 October for this price. Sunday October 9, the last day of the event, shutdown. Children up to 12 years old can enter for free, provided they are accompanied by an adult.

5 euro tickets Online And for sale at the cash register. People must prove that they actually live in Flevoland by means of a letter or account statement with an address on it.

flower power party
Next Saturday, October 1, non-Flevolanders can also visit Floriade for €5. The condition is that she is in the flower of strength outfit It appears in the cash register. On that day, the flower party will take place between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm.

“From 4pm to 6pm you can imagine yourself in the urban theater of the late ’60s and early ’70s with music, specials and lots of flowers!” , as written in Floriade. On Saturday afternoon, October 8, there will also be music on site. Then singer Alan Clarke performs.

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