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NTR was delayed with the broadcast of the final episode of Holland story See no evacuation, four former resistance groups from WWII claim. The announcer says the episode liberators and occupiers, Like the entire series, it is made with great care. This disclaimer will not do justice to that care.
According to the interest groups, the decision-makers give the impression that resistance in the Netherlands was virtually non-existent, that the Dutch people are cowardly and that they actively collaborated with the German occupiers on a large scale.
And because the last episode will be repeated on Saturday, and especially because it will also be used in schools, they want NTR to display a text at the beginning of the broadcast, stating that it paints an incomplete and incorrect picture of the resistance. If not, their lawyer said on Tuesday, there would be summary proceedings.
previous complaint
Last year, when the series first aired, NTR had a conversation with one of these interest groups. NTR now says: “Respecting the views, NTR then announced that it still fully supported broadcasting and therefore would not change it.” Nothing has changed for the broadcaster since then.
After that conversation, NTR on the series’ website referred to NTR’s previously aired broadcasts and background stories about the resistance in World War II. Interest groups do not criticize these programmes. This reference can be seen next Saturday in the repeat episode.
Additionally, in the school’s own television version liberators and occupiers The accompanying lesson plan has a number of minor modifications.