NS is working normally on Sunday, but continues to solve the mystery with staff shortage | Currently

NS is working normally on Sunday, but continues to solve the mystery with staff shortage |  Currently

NS will return to the regular schedule on Sunday, after several trains were canceled on Saturday due to staff shortages. A NS spokesperson told NU.nl that the mystery had been resolved on Sunday, but the shortage of drivers and connectors could cause more problems in the future.

“It’s a puzzle every day to make a schedule with enough drivers and conductors,” the spokesperson said. So NS cannot rule out the possibility that trains are often canceled due to staff shortages.

To create more air in the workforce, fewer trains will run on the Rotterdam-Schipol-Arnhem route for now from Monday. Previously, travelers could ride this route every ten minutes, which will be every fifteen minutes from Monday.

NS currently has 1,100 vacancies and attributes this to a shortage in the labor market. There is a campaign underway to hire more staff. NS has a shortage of not only drivers and conductors, but also IT staff, mechanics, security and service personnel, and shop staff at stations.

Saturday ride Fewer trains on many routes and no trains at all on some parts of the Dutch track due to staff shortages. Foreign Minister Vivian Heijnin (Infrastructure) previously explained to the House of Representatives that the shortage could persist for a longer period of time, even after the summer.

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