Not the United States, but Germany holds the key to Ukraine’s tanks The war in Ukraine

Not the United States, but Germany holds the key to Ukraine's tanks  The war in Ukraine

Germany has to make the most important decision on Friday. The Leopard 2 tanks ordered by Ukraine are made in Germany. The Germans themselves have the largest number of Leopard 2 tanks in Europe. They also borrow it and sell it to other European countries. The Netherlands, for example, does not have tanks of its own, however Borrow eighteen from our eastern neighbors.

Countries that borrow or buy German tanks need permission from Germany to send them to another country. This is one of the conditions under which Germany will lend or sell its tanks. But Germany has so far been postponing a decision on this matter.

The British have already promised to send tanks to Ukraine. They do not need permission from Germany, because it is about their own Challenger 2 tanks. British Defense Minister Ben Wallace invited Germany to other NATO countries permission To send tanks to Ukraine as well.

Challenger 2-tank, door of Britten naar Oekraïne gestuurd worden.

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