Nobel Prize in Physics for Climate Models and Hidden Patterns

Nobel Prize in Physics for Climate Models and Hidden Patterns

Human temperature rise

Syukuro Manabe in the 1960s showed how high levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are causing surface temperatures to rise. His work laid the foundation for the development of current climate models. About ten years later, Klaus Hesselmann created a model linking weather and climate, answering the question of why climate models can be relied upon, even when the weather is fickle and chaotic.

Hasselman also developed methods that were used to prove that the high temperature in the atmosphere is caused by human emissions of carbon dioxide.

According to the Swedish Nobel Committee, the discoveries of Giorgio Baresi are among the most important contributions to the theory of complex systems. They make it possible to understand and describe seemingly completely random substances and phenomena, not only in physics, but also in other fields, such as mathematics, biology, neuroscience and machine learning, Committee said.

The link between the three award winners was not immediately clear to all the journalists present at the ad. According to the Chairman of the Nobel Committee, Thors Hans Hansson, chaos and fluctuations are the main themes. “We can predict what will happen to our climate in the future if we know how to understand chaotic weather.”

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