New poll! GroenLinks is the largest in ‘good Amsterdam’, livable in the largest Rotterdam in Maasstad

New poll!  GroenLinks is the largest in ‘good Amsterdam’, livable in the largest Rotterdam in Maasstad

In the run-up to the municipal elections, Kantar Public will publish poll results for 15 Dutch municipalities at once. Remarkably, the elector of Amsterdam turns definitively to the left, but the elector of Rotterdam votes more right than in the previous election. So GroenLinks is the favorite in Amsterdam, and in Rotterdam it doesn’t look like any team will win against Liveable Rotterdam.

They decided in Amsterdam: the city takes the final exit to the left. In 2018, 20 percent of “Amsterdam residents” (mostly importers) voted for GroenLinks. This year, expectations are between 17 and 20 percent of the vote, according to Kantar. In any case, it’s enough to put GroenLinks back into the biggest party in the Stopera area.

In Amsterdam, the D66 is still stuck at 16 percent. Mark Rutte’s VVD is growing from 11 to 13 percent in our capital. PvdA and Party for the Animals are doing remarkably well in Amsterdam. Both parties are growing by 2 percent respectively in terms of the number of “Amsterdam” votes (read: imports, expats, etc.).

Amsterdam so far. In the port of Rotterdam and a working-class city, the voter seems more realistic. There we see that Leefbaar Rotterdam (Pim Fortuyn’s party) is making more profits despite a moderate campaign. 21 percent of Rotterdam residents chose liveable accommodation in Rotterdam in 2018. This number has now grown to nearly 22 percent. So Rotterdam – unlike Amsterdam – turns right.

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