New competition with Winston Gerstanovich attracts 272,000 viewers | Currently

New competition with Winston Gerstanovich attracts 272,000 viewers |  Currently

best answer Winston Gerstanowitz drew 272,000 viewers on Sunday night. Thus, the new SBS6 test falls outside the list of the top 25 most watched shows of the day, according to figures from Stichting KijkOnderzoek.

in best answer Gerschtanowitz asks questions such as: “How many goals has Edwin van der Sar conceded during all his matches for the Dutch national team?” The winner is the one closest to the correct answer. In the final you can win 25,000 euros.

Sports dominate the top 25 most watched programmes. Several programs are linked to the European Women’s Football Championship, Tour de France and Formula 1.

Only two programs managed to exceed a million viewers on Sunday evening† Floortje to the end of the world, presented by Floortje Dessing, attracted 1.3 million viewers. He. She NOS . News From 8 p.m. it is at number one with nearly 1.9 million viewers.

Most watched programs on Sunday, July 10

  • 1. NOS News from 8 p.m. (NPO1) – 1.8 million viewers
  • 2. Floortje to the end of the world (NPO1) – 1.3 million viewers
  • 3. Evening Stage (NPO1) – 981 thousand viewers
  • 4. RTL News 7.30pm (RTL 4) – 908,000 viewers
  • 5. Tour de France (NPO2) – 858000 viewers
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