Netflix introduces the US version of Wie is de Mol? back | show

Netflix introduces the US version of Wie is de Mol?  back |  show

American version of Who is a mole? It gets a reboot fourteen years later and will appear on Netflix. to write variety. Fans of the show have been speculating about a possible year-long comeback.

The speculation started after Netflix put the first two seasons of the American series on the streaming service last summer. A remake of the previous ABC series is expected to hit Netflix this fall. Like the original American version, the Netflix version is based on the Belgian format, which is also a hit in the Netherlands.

Netflix ordered ten episodes, in which twelve players compete for a money pot with one mole in their midst.

Also listen to the AD Media Podcast with the start of this week’s football talk shows, the new Impact Award at the Televizier-Ring and a look at summer programming.

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