Mozilla Firefox hits hard on Microsoft, Google and Apple

Mozilla Firefox hits hard on Microsoft, Google and Apple

Mozilla, the maker of Firefox, is not entirely satisfied with the recent policy of major tech companies such as Microsoft, Google and Apple regarding their operating systems. Blog Post The organization leaves little to no explanation: “Five Solitary Gardens: How Browsers Are Essential to the Internet and How Operating Systems Hinder It”.

According to the organization, it would be unattractive for users to switch browsers because operating systems prefer a particular browser. For Microsoft Windows, Android from Google, iOS, Edge, Chrome, and Safari are used as the default browsers respectively. It will take a lot of effort to switch and it will often be unfavorable to do so at all.

But why is this bad? According to Mozilla, it’s simple: the current organization makes competition between browsers impossible. And that will have a detrimental effect in the end. “Competition between browsers and browser engines is necessary to force improvements in innovation, performance, speed, privacy and security. Effective competition requires multiple parties to balance the power of a small group of giants; otherwise, giants can take over for all. Determine the future of the Internet.”

It is no coincidence that Mozilla is speaking out against the big tech giants. The browser has seen many users migrate to other browsers for several years now, and it seems likely that this is already due to user convenience; If the browser is already installed and works better with the operating system, the switch seems silly. However, this would hinder innovation in the long run. Indeed, Mozilla writes, “it is difficult to estimate how many innovative alternatives from independent competitors have actually been lost to these practices.”

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image via Mozilla Firefox (CC-BY 3.0)


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