Mortgage interest rises above 4% | Currently

Mortgage interest rises above 4% |  Currently

Mortgage interest rates have continued to rise in recent weeks. According to consultancy Hypotheekshop, the average of all mortgage interest rates together is now over 4 percent. Van Bruggen Adviesgroep sees a similar trend. The interest on savings also increases here and there.

Those who now want to fix their twenty-year mortgage interest with an NHG guarantee will have to contend with an average rate of 3.93 percent. Without this guarantee, you pay 4.37 percent. This is in both cases a few tenths higher than it was three weeks ago. Some other interest rates, for example for those who want to fix the rate for five or ten years, have gone up faster.

Mortgage interest rates have risen sharply since the beginning of this year. At the end of last year, interest rates around 1.5 percent were very popular. Since then, several percentage points have been added. Over the summer, rates have fallen again, but the past three weeks have seen an increase again.

This is because the European Central Bank (ECB) has raised interest rates. As a result, banks have to pay more to deposit money in the European Central Bank. In addition, interest rates in the capital market rose. This means that banks have to pay more interest to borrow money.

As a result, banks have higher expenses. To make up for this, they have to raise prices for their customers. In this case, home buyers prices.

Many banks have recently raised interest rates on savings. This concerns smaller players in the Dutch market, such as Renault Bank, NIBC Direct and J&T Banka, according to comparison site

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Big banks, such as ING, Rabobank and ABN AMRO, have not yet increased their savings interest. They decided last summer to stop using a negative interest rate for those with a lot of savings.

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