More than 100 confirmed or suspected monkey pox cases have been reported in 12 countries, including the United States.

More than 100 confirmed or suspected monkey pox cases have been reported in 12 countries, including the United States.

Confirmed cases have been identified in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States – which were confirmed by one to five monkey boxes on Saturday. According to the World Health Organization.

“The situation is evolving and the WHO expects more cases of monkey flu to be identified as surveillance expands in non-local countries,” the statement said.

Dr. Ashish Jha, co-ordinator of the White House’s Govt-19 response, told the ABC he would not be surprised if the United States saw “some” cases of monkey flu in the coming days.

“But I feel it’s a virus, we have vaccines against it, there are treatments against it, and it spreads very differently than SARS-CoV-2,” the virus that causes Covit-19 was told by Martha of Ja ABC. . Sunday Raditz.

“It simply came to our notice then. So I hope we can round it up, “said Ja.” But we will use the tools we have to ensure that it is closely monitored and prevented from spreading further and that victims continue to be cared for. “

Health experts say that in order to spread monkey flu, close contact with the infected person is essential.

“Infection can occur after contact with broken skin, mucous membranes, droplets, infected body fluids or contaminated linen,” said Neil Mabot, head of personal immunology at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.

While experts say the monkey box is not as contagious as Govt-19, President Joe Biden said everyone should be concerned about the spread of the monkey box – scientists are working to learn more about the latest eruption.

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As they left South Korea on Sunday, Biden told a CNN reporter, “They have not yet told me how much exposure there is, but this is something everyone should realize.”

“We’ve working hard to figure out what we’re doing, and the vaccine, if any, is available,” Biden said. “It’s a concern, because if it is released there will be an effect. That’s what they told me.

CNN previously reported that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was evaluating whether the measles vaccine should be given to health professionals treating monkey box patients and those at “high risk.”

Giant virus and monkey box virus are somewhat related because they both belong to the genus Orthomyx viruses – the scientific family of “germ” viruses. Therefore, some of the vaccines given to prevent measles have also been shown to prevent monkey flu.

Early symptoms of monkey box are usually fever, chills, fatigue, headache and muscle weakness.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “The distinguishing feature of the monkey box from its large size is the development of enlarged lymph nodes.

After that, a widespread rash usually appears on the face and body – including In the mouth, palms and soles

The painful, elevated box is full of pearls and fluid, often surrounded by red circles. The CDC said that after two to three weeks the ulcers would finally peel off and disappear.

Historically, most cases of monkey cancer have been reported from West Africa or Central Africa. Jennifer McCastonDeputy Director of the Division of Pathogen Development and High Outcome Pathology at the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“This is a very unusual situation because we have a certain amount of scientific interest in what we see,” McCaston told CNN on Thursday.

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“We do not see this in the United States or Europe – and the number of reported cases is certainly out of the ordinary range we see,” McCaston said.

A senior British health official told the BBC on Sunday that people should be aware of monkey pox, but that the risk to the general public was “currently very low”.

“I think people need to be aware of that,” said Susan Hopkins, chief medical adviser at the UK’s Health Security Agency.

“We want doctors to be aware of that and pass the test if they are concerned.”

According to reports from Africa, some of the Occupational Health and Care Services (UKHSA) Hopkins said some people are “at higher risk for serious illness, especially people with immunodeficiency or young children.”

“Although there is no direct vaccine for monkeypox, we use some form of measles vaccine or third-generation measles vaccine that is safe for people who come in contact with cases,” Hopkins said.

Sandee LaMotte, Jamie Gumbrecht, Keith Allen, Kevin Liptak, Jacqueline Howard and Martin Goillandeau contributed to this report.

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