More complications after filling: “Hard mountains formed under my eyes’

More complications after filling: “Hard mountains formed under my eyes’

Between 2016 and 2019, the number of filler treatments increased by 17.5 percent. But it also often gets worse. This is evidenced by the research that plastic surgeon Tom Dekats is doing for his Ph.D. at Erasmus University.

Maria can talk about it. “A few years ago I had fillers done by a cosmetically certified doctor. I actually went for an eyelid correction, but the doctor told me I could also try the fillers.”

That’s how she ended up with a fellow doctor. “She was so cute and said she could make my eyes beautiful again so there was no need for surgery,” she says. Sharon chose to try.


It seemed to be going well for a while, but after a month the effect of Sharon’s fillings had already waned. I called the doctor again. “He said I needed a facelift, so I came back. But it wasn’t hygienic at the salon. The doctor used the gloves she took from her bag,” she says. “This is how I got an infection. I got an infection in exactly the two places I sprayed. It got rough, and mountains got under my eyes.”

Sharon was prescribed antibiotics to treat the infection. “That didn’t work, so I got prednisone.” Sharon hopes people will think carefully about a filler treatment. “I was taken carelessly. I had mental problems because of it.”


Complications that can occur after a filler treatment by a non-expert, according to plastic surgeon Tom Dekats:

  • The blood vessels can be closed. Then the skin dies.
  • If too much filler is injected, the immune system overreacts and inflammation occurs.
  • If it is not cleaned properly, bacteria will enter with it and an infection will develop.
  • In some clinics, fillers can be injected every three months, putting pressure on them.
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Hairdressers and beauticians

Dermatologist Jonathan Kadosh notes the huge popularity of fillers. His practice is very busy. “It’s not a bad thing that filler treatments are becoming more common, but they often happen in practices with non-specialists,” he says. “For example with hairdressers and beauticians, but also with doctors. If you are a primary doctor, you are entitled to the treatments.”

Kadosh does not only inject fillers, but also performs other cosmetic treatments. In addition, he works during a special lecture on complications for people with fillers at Erasmus MC in Rotterdam. According to him, every year 500 people come here with problems due to fillers. Kadosh sees a lot going wrong in starting clinics. “You should always consider why you would pay so little for such treatment.”

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